List of Training Course

APOST 1st NBI Training Course, Hong Kong

6 DEC 2018

stdClass Object ( [course_gallery_id] => 49 [course_id] => 15 [image] => /Product_Photo/files/APOST%20NBI%20Training%20Course%20Poster-min-1-min.jpg [sort_order] => 0 )
Course Objectives

To help and assist participants: 

1. To acquire knowledge of Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) Technologies. 

2. To understand the advantages of using NBI to detect cancer at the earliest possible stage. 

3. To acquire practical and theoretical skills related to NBI solutions in ENT. 

Target Audience

ENT doctors who are interested in Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) Technologies. ​


To register the course, please complete an online application form at


Application Deadline: 25 November 2018


*Complimentary Registration is based on first come first serve basis. 


For more information, please visit the following link:


For enquiries, please contact APOST Secretariat by email at 

Course Program